Hello welcome to Coffee Table Evangelism a girl's initiative from God through a girl but is not limited to girls. On the broad spectrum on the vision of this movement and initiative is to present the gospel through multi-perspectives and multi-forms of media.Our current projects include Seasoned with Lindokuhle, The Dichotomy with Lindokuhle, The Cost, Weekly Snippets with Lindo and daily encouragements. At CTE our quote is Zecharaiah 4:10 do not despise the day of small beginnings ...so by God's Grace lets uncover it. Amen


Coffee Table? Why a coffee table you say? What do Coffee tables have to do with Evangelism you say ? I think Evangelism should be moved past the scopes of the church and orthodox or traditional methods. It's time to bring Evangelism into our homes, into your kitchen, your school, and your job. Let us go to the areas of your life that really matter and let us discover in our lifestyles, habits, and interests who God is. That's right, I am coming after you at a braai on Friday at 6, at happy hour,after a long day of work on Netflix and in your kitchen and bedroom outside of the church walls. It is time to know who God is outside of these scopes and into the very heart of our lives. Coffee Table Evangelism is a Christian movement idea given to me by a 27 year old from the mountains of Swaziland. The idea about coffee table Evangelism and when you think of the coffee table is to put our guard down and put our issue and seriousness down and allow God to speak to real issues in our lives, your process, or your inspirations. Tap into your creativity. You’ve got this. The way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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