Esther get your Skin in the game
It all begins with an idea.
Ok, so greeting in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank you for coming to read once again. So by now I am sure you I have told you about this "toxic trait". This is not really a toxic trait but just roll with me. My toxic trait ( then again maybe this is really something I need help with). I can have something baked inside my heart but have a hard time releasing/ expressing it accurately on the outside. It's giving actual life more than toxic trait 🫤.
Well I in my head I love christian beauty influencers. Shout out to you because you are seriously doing the Lord's work. Like Ester 2:12 work because God is using you for me. I will speak for myself (cough cough). A completely awkward rough around the edges girl. I don't know in my head I want to be YouTube Gen-Z pink fabulous meets Korean Boujee (trust me it's a thing...more on that later). Ok focus!!! I am a millennial by the way's giving completely influenced darling.
Then I felt my heart draw to a drop dead beautiful girl this week meanwhile I am asking God to help me to concentrate because 5 minute vlog/break and whoops it's 6 o clock and I have forgotten to post the daily scripture. So I wanted to resist and I felt God keep drawing me to this beautiful girl. So I asked God Lord what do you want me to see from this young ladies page. I am trying to "focus" but my heart keeps drawing even to her other page.
Low and behold when I got to the page God spoke to me. He spoke to me on "hearty matters". Colossians 3:23-24.
1. The first things God said to me I wrote it down and I quote "you don't expect these people to just respond to you instantly and for things to just change overnight you need to get your skin in the game''. Basically what God was saying is that there is process to everything. You see someone's result and think Rome was built in a day but baby you need to get your skin in the game. Like this will require something that costs you. You will have to put in a piece of your heart or flesh in there. Something must die or separate. WHAT I AM TRY TO SAY IS THAT IT TAKES REAL DEDICATION AND SACRIFICE.
He was not just referring to looking fabulous like the beauty influencers. But also to having people respond to you in a positive way. People cannot invest in what they don't know and you cannot expect people to invest in what you will not put a piece of heart in.
2. God said to me that to get the results you want to see you need to put in the amount of effort that matches what you want to see. So God gave me an example again with YouTube and my beautiful fabulous girlies...just amazing 😍 honestly. Ok..ok.
It is Wednesday when I wrote this so #WCW. For a girl to look that beautiful you know that she must spend. Listen to me hear...I saw you hold your chest and be like what is trying to say? But yes there is a cost..You will either spend on time putting together an outfit, skincare routine, beauty maintenance routine either way there will be time spent financially, physically and believe it or not emotionally and spiritually.
And God said even if you find that someone has mastered "blessed, boujee and on a budget". THAT LEARNING CAME THROUGH TIME, PROBABLY LOST AND MONEY PROBABLY LOST... EXPERIENCE.
3. Lastly on matters of the heart I learnt this week that you have to be the one to cultivate your own journey and your own needs with the divine direction and authority of God I believe. Only you know best what you need and you know truly what you desire. I believe God can open your eyes and your heart to the real desires that can replenish your soul and spirit. So for example in my case it means you know put in a little extra effort you know for the girly vibes (by the way sooooo empowering, like totally *in a vocal fry").
Journaling Corner
What is something you desire find yourself looking at the most whether in a role model or social media? Why?
How do you think it helps and molds you in your relationship with God?
How can you incorporate that within your means in small steps, hopefully ordered by the Lord. ? Within your means?
In which area of your life with God and walk with God would that thing you desire help you?
Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray for someone who needs empowerment with self esteem needs and discontentment, peer pressure and self-loathing. Lord God I pray that this article may breathe life guidance moreso God divine enlightenment on how you can meet both your son's and daughters needs. Lord we bind every spirit of discontentment, we bind every spirit of comparison and we call for a divine lane beautiful, craftily and heartily cultivated to meet the physical, beauty and therefore emotional and soul and spirit needs. We Thank You, I Thank You Lord I decree this shall be only for the Glory of Your Name and I decree it DONE. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. A loud and resounding. Amen